Jessica edelbaum

Life & Relationship coaching

Relationship Is everywhere…

How’s Yours?

The purpose of relationship is not to have another who might complete you, but to have another with whom you might share your completeness.
— Neale Donald Walsch

what is life coaching?

Welcome! I imagine you are here because you are curious about what else is possible and have reached the point where you are ready for change. We are typically motivated either because it has become too painful to remain the same or the opposite, we start living and know thriving is an option. We just don’t know how to get there. Whatever the reasons you find yourself searching, I’m glad you’re here and am keen to co-create with you to see how your life can get even better!

The way I see it, relationships are everywhere, and it all begins with the one we have with ourselves. How’s yours? When we heal the relationship with self, we have access to more of ourselves and expand our capacity for the goodness that’s here for you to experience.

You are supported in achieving an even more fulfilling, passionate and balanced life. We do this together by compassionately exploring your beliefs, values/virtues, patterns of behaviors, parts that are ready to be integrated & masculine/feminine energies that are either aiding you in what you want or are keeping you stuck in habits that are no longer in your highest alignment. You set specific goals and achieve them with committed action.  Coaching assists you in getting "a ha" moments or epiphanies and connecting with greater awareness. 

What Coachee’s experience…

“I feel great today. I feel like clarity is in my mind, even tho I still don’t know the destination.  Barriers don’t seem so crushing today and my mind is definitely calmer.” -Craig

“My coaching sessions with Jessica continue to transform my life and my relationships. Despite using video conferencing software for our sessions, I continue to feel held whether I'm feeling small and wounded, dark and fierce, bright and powerful and everything in between. She asks me meaningful and thought provoking questions while reminding me to trust my intuition and to add more play and joy into my life. She meets me on spiritual and physical realms and guides me in applying our sessions to my life currently. I highly recommend her services and am grateful for all she's given and continues to provide for me and others.” -Molly

“Within one session of working with you guys our relationship is already changing! We are starting to actually hear one another. He’s more patient and I’m more kind. I can tell we are starting to heal. Thank you, thank you, thank you.”

-Couple falling in love again

There are other options besides going in a circle…

Sometimes all we need is someone or something to interrupt the pattern and assist in spiraling upwards.

How do we co-create this?!

It is my role and honour to be curious, provide skills and be creative to lovingly reconnect you to your wisdom.  I use my whole being (mind, body, heart, and spirit connection) alongside my training to guide you in accessing your inner knowing. Unsure about this wisdom and knowing I’m talking about? That’s okay, most of us are re-learning that we can be safe AND listen to ourselves.  You’ll receive helpful skills to supplement your journey and assist you in shining your brilliance more clearly and consistently. I am also continuing to learn more about dōTERRA essential oils as an additional tool to support you in utilising them in mood and health regulation. 

Ready to have someone on your side and invested in you thriving? I will cheer you on, be your accountability partner, and lovingly hold boundaries with you to assist in the breakthroughs you are seeking.  Together, we will boldly step into the responsibility of dreaming into the world we wish to live in.

Part of what allows coaching to be transformative, outside of your dedication to create change, is the relationship between coach and coachee.  It is important that we are a good fit and you feel safe, validated, and celebrated.  

Ready to say yes to you?! Call 027 755 9998 or CLICK for inquires and TO SCHEDULE YOUR FREE introductory session!

Personal growth is not a matter of learning new information, but of unlearning old limits.
— Alan Cohen

About Jessica


I AM...

A Powerful, Loving, Responsible, Whole, Worthy Being! With that being said, I am also a Passionate, Divine, Heart-Centered, Curious, & Compassionately Skilled Coach!

Colours of the Heart Radio show with Rex Lovegrove: Inviting Your Heart to the Conversation, Episode 5, features Jessica Edelbaum & Travis Strickland (her husband) & how to navigate the dynamics of relationship. To listen click HERE.

Colours of the Heart Radio show with Rex Lovegrove: Inviting Your Heart to the Conversation, Episode 5, features Jessica Edelbaum & Travis Strickland (her husband) & how to navigate the dynamics of relationship. To listen click HERE.

What gets me out of bed in the morning is knowing that today I will make choices that impact future me, the community, you, and the world at large.  I declare my choices to be grounded in love and trust, & co-created with Divinity.  Do I sometimes trip over the stories, beliefs, patterns that tell me I’m not good enough?  Sure do.  Like you, I am human, with my own backstory, my own hurdles to jump over, and my own unique gifts and purpose in this world.  Even though there are moments I slide back into status quo, I then get to remember who I AM, and choose again.  Who are you? I smile envisioning a world where we all choose our infinite wholeness and manifest from a place of unconditional love.  This is the vision I hold while we co-create.  

I entered into the field of therapy, and now coaching, because I love people and I witness the daily struggle of humanity and believe a different life IS possible.  I am passionate about co-creating healthy connections in relationship with self, others, Spirit, the masculine/feminine, and nature.  During the past ten plus years, I have had the privilege of working with individuals, couples, families, and groups in wilderness, school, home, and community settings. 
After spending 10 months in New Zealand in 2012, I knew I was destined to return.  In May 2017 my husband, Travis, (who supports me in offering couples coaching to you-see services) and I immigrated to New Zealand from America.  I return with an eagerness to be in contribution, add value to whatever I do, heal relationships and nurture the seeds of growth.  My life experiences are consistently teaching me the importance of acknowledging our differences and the commonalities of the heart.
Outside of work, I can be found trekking, baking, boogie boarding, meditating, watching a show and using expressive arts.  I love celebrating life through freeform dancing, DIYing natural products and enjoying time with friends, whānau, and the outdoors.

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Are you straddling

different worlds?

to fully blossom, we are invited to trust & Courageously step forward.



ARE YOU EXPLORING A DEEPER CONNECTION WITH YOUR TRUEST SELF? With your partner? With your version of Spirit/God/Divine/Universe?



IF YOU ANSWERED "YES", You are not alone & Coaching could be a good fit for yoU!

A text from Jess-Coachee in Taranaki, NZ

A text from Jess-Coachee in Taranaki, NZ

Yesterday I was clever, so I wanted to change the world. Today I am wise, so I am changing myself.
— Rumi



Your perception of me is a reflection of you. My response to you generates an awareness of me.  We are all interconnected.  Let’s grow our awareness together and see ourselves with loving compassion.

Your perception of me is a reflection of you. My response to you generates an awareness of me. We are all interconnected. Let’s grow our awareness together and see ourselves with loving compassion.

You will find that I have a "you" centered approach.  Meaning, I believe that you are the expert on you, and my role is to be the expert in assisting you in knowing what options and choices are available.  You cannot NOT change, for change is the only constant in life.  How you change, is up to you. One of the first steps to consciously transforming, is awareness of the stories, patterns and behaviors that are creating your reality. Though this sounds simple, it takes courage to even consider this possibility.

What’s often between where we are right now and our dream life is our beliefs. It’s a mindset thing.” -Naomi Mdudu

How can you let your heart shine?!

How can you let your heart shine?!

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Exchange: $130-$150 session

(individual) 60-90mins

+Includes write up of homeplay /your commitment to practice because growth can be fun and resources discussed in session.

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Exchange: starting at $250 session (COUPLES) 60-90minutes

+Session are co-facilitated with Travis Strickland, MSW, my partner of 12+ years. During that time we’ve had the privilege of learning skills that support us and others in continuing to choose connection, balance the masculine/feminine energies, healthfully & effectively communicate and increase intimacy.

+Includes write up of homeplay /your commitment to practice because growth can be fun and resources to support you in growing individually & together.

+For more on Travis, visit his website HERE

Access Consciousness Bars®

Starting at $130 for 60-75 Min. Session

Access Bars® are 32 points on your head that, when gently touched, effortlessly, and
easily release anything that stops you from feeling joy and ease in your life.
These points contain all the thoughts, ideas, beliefs, emotions, and considerations
you have stored over this lifetime and previous lifetimes.  These belief systems,
points of view and judgements may no longer be aligned to you and are holding you back
from living a life of ease and authenticity.  Who does that belief belong to anyway?  Was it passed
down to you from your parents, your friends, your community?  Is it Your Truth or just something you didn’t realise you don’t HAVE TO believe?

+Brief discussion before to explore intention and check-in at the end of session.

+Lie down comfortably on your back, fully clothed. While I softly place my finger tips on various points on your head providing hands on healing “running bars” while your awareness of your thoughts, your consciousness of your belief systems, can let go and believe into new possibilities! You are creating a life free of the judging mind.

OFFERing INDIVIDUALs (adults & adolescents), COUPLEs, & Group COACHING.  

I know that you did not get to be who we are overnight. We have had a lifetime of events and choices that make us who we are today.  And, it is through the decisions of the now, that YOU get to have a say in who you are tomorrow.

As a certified life coach, I offer in-person & sessions to those in New Plymouth and in the surrounding areas. To best serve the wider whole, You can schedule Your ONLINE session HERE.

Each session is individualized to maximize your potential and support you in obtaining results and transforming. Sessions can occur in the outdoors, and even while enjoying a cuppa, whatever is most in alignment with your best interests and goals.

Get in touch for Your free Exploration session: Free/15-30 minutes  

This is a no-obligation conversation.  It is an opportunity for you to gain clarity, ask questions, share about your desired outcomes, see if we are a good fit, and receive tools to be in action and achieve what you want.  

If you achieve your desired results prior to using all your prepaid session, you can place them on "hold" to be used within a year's time.

*Upon request, a sliding scale is available to those seeking supporting and are needing a reduced rate.


Access Consciousness®

Access Consciousness Bars Completion: Sept. 2021

ThetaHealing Institute of Knowledge; TKI NZ (Certified ThetaHealing Practitioner)

Intuitive Anatomy (3 week course) Completion: Oct 2020

+Prerequisites Dig Deeper, DNA 1 & 2

New Zealand Life Coaching; Auckland NZ    

Certificate in Breakthrough Life Coaching                     Completion: Dec. 2017

Certificate in Abundance Coaching                                    Completion: Dec. 2017 

Appalachian State University; NC USA                                  

M.A. in Marriage and Family Therapy                                                Graduation: Aug.  2009

Graduate Certificate in Expressive Arts Therapy                             Completion: Aug. 2009

University of Central Missouri; MO USA                                        

B.S. in Psychology with Minor in Child Development                   Graduation: Dec. 2006

Being vulnerable is the only way to let your heart feel true pleasure
— Bob Marley




How do I know that is right where you need to be?  Because you’re here.  Sometimes in this life we forget our vision, we are conditioned out of realizing what miracles we are, we begin to believe the unkind voices in our heads and around us...sound familiar? Together, we can work towards you remembering, for I already know, you are incredible!   It is your unique brand of incredible that we get to explore!  Ready to BE in action?!  Look forward to connecting with you!



“I am grateful of the sessions I have completed with Jessica and found her to be a very beautiful nurturing person that provides support, direction and unconditional love-which I realise I haven't really experienced a lot of in my life-so again thank you.”

-Male Coachee, Taranaki New Zealand

"With Jessica I've enjoyed one of the most profound experiences of connectedness.  She's caring, resourceful, sharp, empowering and absolutely respectful, with an intense "spiritual presence". Vibrant and deep, she gracefully allies strong intuition and technique, genuinely honouring my individuality while facilitating an insightful connection to what is true, absolute, and good in me. She's a force of nature."

-Renato Mendonca, New Zealand

"Honestly the best experience I’ve had working with a life coach. I feel like I’m in a safe place every appt we have together. Recommend her to everyone! "

-Liam, New Zealand